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Schools financial benchmarking will no longer be updated with new data

Find the latest data on the new Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool. This will include 2023-24 data for maintained schools.

This service will include all previous financial data available too.

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Limehurst Community Primary School

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In-year balance


This school’s spending rating against similar schools

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View characteristics used
This benchmark was created using the following criteria.
Characteristic Your school Your federation Comparison criteria
School phase Phase {{ctrl.getPhase()}} {{ctrl.getPhase()}}
London weighting {{sad.londonWeighting === 'Neither' ? 'Not London' : 'London'}} {{sad.londonWeighting === 'Neither' ? 'Not London' : 'London'}}
Number of pupils {{sad.numberOfPupilsLatestTerm}} Schools with {{sad.sadSizeLookup.noPupilsMin}} - {{sad.sadSizeLookup.noPupilsMax}} pupils Schools with {{sad.sadSizeLookup.noPupilsMin}} or more pupils
FSM {{sad.fsmLatestTerm | number : 1}}% Schools with {{sad.sadFSMLookup.fsmMin | number : 1}} - {{sad.sadFSMLookup.fsmMax | number : 1}}% FSM
Warning The rating exceeds the threshold and cannot be displayed
Rating against thresholds
-School is in this threshold
-School is not in this threshold
% of expenditure {{(band.scoreLow * 100).toFixed(1)}}% - {{(band.scoreHigh * 100).toFixed(1)}}%
Assessment area filter
Rating against thresholds % of expenditure
Warning The rating exceeds the threshold and cannot be displayed
-School is in this threshold
-School is not in this threshold
{{(band.scoreLow * 100).toFixed(1)}}% - {{(band.scoreHigh * 100).toFixed(1)}}%
See more at this school's self-assessment dashboard

A quick comparison of this school’s expenditure against similar schools

View characteristics used
Characteristic Default school value Comparison criteria
Finance type Maintained Maintained
Number of pupils 312.0 {{compList.criteria.MinNoPupil}} - {{compList.criteria.MaxNoPupil}}
School phase Primary {{compList.criteria.SchoolOverallPhase[0]}}
Urban / rural location Conurbation {{compList.criteria.UrbanRural.toString()}}
Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals 56.5% {{compList.criteria.MinPerFSM}}% - {{compList.criteria.MaxPerFSM}}%
Pupils with special educational needs who have statements or education and health care plans 1.23% {{compList.criteria.MinPerSEN}}% - {{compList.criteria.MaxPerSEN}}%
Pupils with English as an additional language 13.9% {{compList.criteria.MinPerEAL}}% - {{compList.criteria.MaxPerEAL}}%
Within your local authority - No
Chart group filter
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School resource management collection
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Statistics at DfE
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Address: White Bank Road, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL8 3JQGoogleMaps link opens in a new window
Telephone number: 01617707220
Local authority: Oldham
School type: Community school
School overall phase: Primary
School phase: Infant and junior
Number of pupils: 312
URN: 105638
Ofsted rating: 2 Good Ofsted reportOpens in a new window Inspected 07 November 2018
LAESTAB: 353 2033
Age range of pupils: 3 to 11
Headteacher's name: Mark Roberts
Has sixth form: No
Has nursery: Yes
School website: http://www.limehurst.oldham.sch.ukOpens in a new window
View this school's data from other services: Get information about schools Opens in a new window
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In-year balance


Revenue reserve

More about revenue reserve

For local authority maintained schools and single academy trusts, reserves are legally associated with one school and appear under that school in the charts.

For local authority maintained schools, revenue reserves include:

  • the school’s committed and uncommitted revenue balance, plus the community-focused extended school revenue balance.

For single academy trusts, revenue reserves include:

  • the closing balance (restricted and unrestricted funds) carried forward from the previous year, plus total income in the current year (revenue, funds inherited on conversion/transfer and contributions from academies to trust) minus total expenditure in the current year.

For multi-academy trusts, the trust is the legal entity and all revenue reserves belong legally to the trust. We aggregate all declared reserves to trust level and they appear under the trust. The total can be seen by looking up the trust on the website, selecting ‘Balance' and choosing ‘Trust and academies' or ‘Trust only’ from the dropdown under ‘Central financing’.

For single academies within a multi-academy trusts, we've estimated a value per academy by apportioning the trust’s reserves on a pro-rata basis using the FTE number of pupils in each academy within that MAT. This can be seen by looking up the academy, selecting ‘Balance’ and choosing 'Include share of trust finance’ from the dropdown under ‘Central financing’.



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School workforce (Full Time Equivalent)

More about school workforce (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent (Full Time Equivalent) of the total school workforce.

It includes:

  • classroom Teachers (Full Time Equivalent)
  • Senior leadership (Full Time Equivalent)
  • teaching assistants (Full Time Equivalent)
  • non-classroom-based support staff

Total number of teachers (Full Time Equivalent)

More about total number of teachers (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent of all classroom and leadership teachers.


Teachers with Qualified Teacher Status (%)

More about teachers with qualified teacher status (%)

This is the number of teachers with Qualified Teacher Status divided by the total number of teachers in the school.


Senior leadership (Full Time Equivalent)

More about senior leadership (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent of senior leadership roles.

It includes:

  • headteachers
  • deputy headteachers
  • assistant headteachers

Teaching assistants (Full Time Equivalent)

More about teaching assistants (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent of teaching assistants.

It includes:

  • teaching assistants
  • higher level teaching assistants
  • minority ethnic and special educational needs support staff

Non-classroom support staff - excluding auxiliary staff (Full Time Equivalent)

More about non-classroom support staff - excluding auxiliary staff (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent of non-classroom-based support staff.

It excludes:

  • auxiliary staff
  • third party support staff

Auxiliary staff (Full Time Equivalent)

More about auxiliary staff (full time equivalent)

This is the full-time equivalent of full and part-time auxiliary staff.

It includes:

  • catering
  • school maintenance staff

School workforce (headcount)

More about school workforce (headcount)

This is the total headcount of the school workforce.

It includes:

  • full and part-time teachers (including school leadership teachers)
  • teaching assistants
  • non-classroom-based support staff