Address: | West End Road, Mortimer, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 3SYGoogleMaps link opens in a new window |
Telephone number: | 01189332242 |
Local authority: | West Berkshire |
School type: | Voluntary controlled school |
School overall phase: | Primary |
School phase: | Infant |
Number of pupils: | 172 |
URN: | 109978 |
Ofsted rating: | Ofsted reportOpens in a new window Inspected 11 December 2019 |
LAESTAB: | 869 3043 |
Age range of pupils: | 4 to 7 |
Headteacher's name: | Clare Beswick |
Has sixth form: | No |
Has nursery: | No |
School website: | http://www.mortimerschools.orgOpens in a new window |
Belongs to: | The Mortimer Federation of St. John?s and St. Mary?s |
View this school's data from other services: | Get information about schools Opens in a new window |
School workforce (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent (Full Time Equivalent) of the total school workforce.
It includes:
- classroom Teachers (Full Time Equivalent)
- Senior leadership (Full Time Equivalent)
- teaching assistants (Full Time Equivalent)
- non-classroom-based support staff
Total number of teachers (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent of all classroom and leadership teachers.
Teachers with Qualified Teacher Status (%)
This is the number of teachers with Qualified Teacher Status divided by the total number of teachers in the school.
Senior leadership (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent of senior leadership roles.
It includes:
- headteachers
- deputy headteachers
- assistant headteachers
Teaching assistants (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent of teaching assistants.
It includes:
- teaching assistants
- higher level teaching assistants
- minority ethnic and special educational needs support staff
Non-classroom support staff - excluding auxiliary staff (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent of non-classroom-based support staff.
It excludes:
- auxiliary staff
- third party support staff
Auxiliary staff (Full Time Equivalent)
This is the full-time equivalent of full and part-time auxiliary staff.
It includes:
- catering
- school maintenance staff
School workforce (headcount)
This is the total headcount of the school workforce.
It includes:
- full and part-time teachers (including school leadership teachers)
- teaching assistants
- non-classroom-based support staff