This school doesn't have a complete set of financial data for this period
This school doesn't have a complete set of workforce data for this period
We can’t show charts with per teacher values because they weren't supplied within these finance returns
We can’t show charts with per pupil values because they weren't supplied within these finance returns
Address: | Cranborne, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 5RUGoogleMaps link opens in a new window |
Telephone number: | 01725551247 |
Local authority: | Dorset |
School type: | Special post 16 institution |
School overall phase: | 16 plus |
School phase: | Special |
Number of pupils: | 0 |
URN: | 146038 |
Ofsted rating: | Ofsted reportOpens in a new window Inspected 13 October 2022 |
LAESTAB: | 838 7900 |
Age range of pupils: | 16 to 25 |
Headteacher's name: | Lloyd Richards |
Has sixth form: | No |
Has nursery: | No |
Date of opening: | 01 September 2017 |
School website: | http://www.the-aurora-group.com/boveridgecollegeOpens in a new window |
View this school's data from other services: | Get information about schools Opens in a new window |