Our Lady's Catholic Academy | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 222 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 43.7% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |
St Augustine's Catholic Academy | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 202 | Schools with 101 - 209 pupils |
FSM | 41.6% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |
St Gregory's Catholic Academy | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 470 | Schools with 356 or more pupils |
FSM | 17.2% | Schools with 12.8 - 25.3% FSM |
St Maria Goretti Catholic Academy | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 227 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 40.5% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |
St Thomas More Catholic Academy | School phase | Secondary | Secondary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 1146 | Schools with 1002 - 1328 pupils |
FSM | 19.5% | Schools with 12.2 - 21.1% FSM |