Barton Moss Community Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 232 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 44.0% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |
Bowness Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 120 | Schools with 101 - 209 pupils |
FSM | 32.5% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |
Fiddlers Lane Community Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Mesne Lea Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 431 | Schools with 356 or more pupils |
FSM | 22.5% | Schools with 12.8 - 25.3% FSM |
Prestolee Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 255 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 11.6% | Schools with 0.0 - 12.8% FSM |
Springside Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 238 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 17.8% | Schools with 12.8 - 25.3% FSM |
Tottington Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 338 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 10.2% | Schools with 0.0 - 12.8% FSM |
Waterloo Primary School | School phase | Primary | Primary |
London weighting | Not London | Not London |
Number of pupils | 322 | Schools with 210 - 355 pupils |
FSM | 34.7% | Schools with 25.3 - 100.0% FSM |